Monday, 3 February 2014


I chose to take library science because ever since I was little my parents have been taking me to the library, and I would always get help from the librarians which made me wonder how it is to work in a library and I thought that taking Library Science would help me understand how it is to be somewhat of a librarian and just get a feel of how it is. 

                                       I think this course is going to help me realize how librarians get their jobs done, make me more familiar with the duodecimal system, sign out books, 
and probably get me interested in books once again.

 The latest book that I have read is Daaku, it was a very interesting book, it was about a gangster that lives in Surrey, with a single mom and his sister and brother. There were references to nearby places such as Princess Margaret Secondary and lots more, I would say that it was an interesting book and I think a lot of people should read it because there aren't any boring parts in the movie, I enjoyed reading the book a lot! 

Learning Commons 
 Learning commons, also known as scholars' commons
is a similar to classrooms and libraries, they have computers and desks, because some students need computers to do their work and some just need a table, so they combined this together and it is now called a learning common.